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Friday 29th July Michael Star at The Sports Complex !!

Michael Star at The Sports Complex
Friday 29th July, 2011
9:00 pm - 12:00 Midnight

The very popular Michael Star will be singing at La Marina Sports Complex every Friday throughout the summer. The venue is one of the most popular Bar/restaurants on the urbanisation with excellent food available and friendly staff to look after you.

La Marina

Ref: TJ82 AVAILABLE Long Term Rental from SEPTEMBER !!

Very nice property to rent long term from September. The property has 3 bed 2 baths and communal pool.
Price: 500 a month plus elec and water.
Contract between 9 & 11 months. We also have properties to rent for 3 or 6 month contracts.
Price: €500


gated parking, roof terrace, front porch, English tv
bathroom fully tiled, 3 double bedrooms,
spacious lounge, fitted kitchen COMMUNAL POOL. Air Con.

sandy beaches of La Marina are only a 7 mins drive

This property is close to cafes bars resturants supermarkets etc. communal Swimming Pool used by residents and holiday extra charge to use the pool.


Full details and photo's Click the link

La Marina

Hi Carol why do you show a picture of a different Community Pool with this rental

Commented david in La Marina 2011-07-20 11:45:25 UTC

Dave - I am just given the write up and photo's and I put them up here. I do not personally go and list properties - not guilty !!!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-20 15:11:49 UTC

The correct photo of the communal pool for this property has now been added to the photo's. Our correador had taken a lot of photo's on that particular day and mistakenly put the wrong picture for the communal pool with this property - a very easy mistake to make, but thank you David for pointing it out.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-28 11:55:54 UTC

How long is meant by Long Term Please.

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2011-07-28 15:12:44 UTC

You can have a Long Term Contract from about 6 months, but it's usually 11 months and then you can some times renew it for another 11 months.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-28 15:48:54 UTC

Solar Power Very Interesting HOT & COLD Radiators in Spain


Solar Power Very Interesting HOT & COLD Radiators in Spain

With Electricity Prices going up so fast – even here in Spain, these brilliant HOT & COLD Radiator Systems seem the obvious choice for our Future. After all we do receive a fair amount of sunshine here in Spain making this a very viable investment indeed.

For Full Details and photographs please click the link below:

For more info please fill in the form and somebody will get back to you.

La Marina

What an excellent idea. After reading this I am sincerely thinking of changing over my existing heating/air con system to this method.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-27 15:43:38 UTC

Sounds Good !

Solar is the way to go, why pay to heat your water when the sun can do it for free !!

I have been heating my hot water by solar energy for 3 years I would never go back to a normal boiler

Commented tony in Agost 2011-07-27 18:22:34 UTC

The idea of radiators to cool a room I suppose is logical, suppose it would be the same kind of effect you get when you go into the cool section of a Supermarket. Seems Solar is moving ahead at long last. Think we need it now with all the electricity price increases.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-28 15:25:25 UTC

BEWARE - Stupid Unoberservant Drivers !!

This morning we drove out along the San Fulgencio Canal road (where the road has been turned in to a single traffic road while the roadworks are being done. We met 4 motorists driving towards us along this one-way road. At the other end we checked to see if the No entry signs had been taken down and they haven't. There are 2 signs - one on either side of the turn off saying No right turn and the other is a No entry sign.........Can't these drivers' read these signs ?????????

The only difference at the moment is that somebody has removed the plastic bag covering the sign post which says La Marina urbanisation - so that is now still showing. BUT, as I said there are still 2 signs (one each side of the road) saying NO ENTRY .......SO, please be careful when driving off the urb along the canal road as you will probably meet drivers coming in the other direction !!

La Marina

This has happened to me a few times, even before the 'new' road was widened. All I did was stand my ground and let those who were ignoring the signs, work their way round the cones. I know it's not an infallible guide,but the drivers looked both Spanish and British.
Maybe Jim W. can arrange for the La Marina sign to be covered up again!!

Commented David in La Marina 2011-07-18 16:14:30 UTC

Yes David, I think the sign should be covered up again, although as I said there are Two No Entry Signs up there so that really should be clear enough. Drivers should be more aware of the road signs - this is how accidents happen ! I just wonder how much longer the workmen are going to take until this road is actually finished ?????????????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 17:04:56 UTC

Met two offending drivers coming the wrong way last night a male and a're gonna love this !....behind me was a Police car who stopped them, gave them a good finger wagging and made them both turn around and drive all the way back.
"Well done the local Constabulary"
Bob H.

Commented Bikerbee in Hondon de las Nieves 2011-07-20 13:26:07 UTC

WOW - Yes I love it. At least this time the *local Constabulary* were in the right place at the right time to catch them - usually when something like this happens or an idiot is overtaking/speeding and driving dangerously, they are nowhere to be seen.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-20 15:05:24 UTC

I use the track road like so many more which is to the right coming from San Fulgencio just before the canal and the road being repaired. its a pity that the police and/or town hall department in their wisdom didnt sign this alternative as a divertion.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-20 16:34:47 UTC

Yes, very good point Malcolm. OR the only other way is going all the way through Oasis. It's OK if you are coming from Elche way. Does anyone know when the canal road will be finished and back to 2-way traffic ??????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-20 17:03:57 UTC

We went out last night and, once again, met 2 cars along the canal road coming towards La Marina urb (which is suppose to be a one way road at the moment). The 2 No Entry Signs are still up there to say NO Entry and No Right Turn - SO why are drivers still taking no notice? Does anybody know when these roadworks on the canal road will finally be finished - it seems like they have been working on it forever !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-28 07:14:55 UTC

I live in a one way road,and about half the traffic comes down the wrong way,I just take it as normal,and treat all roads as two way therefore dont have to take evasive action too often.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-28 09:00:13 UTC

Why cant the Police just cover the offending sign up it only needs them to use a new black bag and some string

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-28 15:24:41 UTC

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards
September 16th, 2011 19:00 - 23:00
Good afternoon! The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards will take place on Friday 16th September in the Teatro Municipal in Torrevieja at 7pm and you can order your tickets now, priced at 6€ from the CoastRider office. Simply give us a call on 966 701 060 and we will do the rest! Don't miss this unique opportunity to honour in person those who have achieved so much in and do so much for our community here on the Costa Blanca.

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards
September 16th, 2011 19:00 - 23:00
Good afternoon! The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards will take place on Friday 16th September in the Teatro Municipal in Torrevieja at 7pm and you can order your tickets now, priced at 6€ from the CoastRider office. Simply give us a call on 966 701 060 and we will do the rest! Don't miss this unique opportunity to honour in person those who have achieved so much in and do so much for our community here on the Costa Blanca.

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards

The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards
September 16th, 2011 19:00 - 23:00
Good afternoon! The CoastRider Pride Of Spain Awards will take place on Friday 16th September in the Teatro Municipal in Torrevieja at 7pm and you can order your tickets now, priced at 6€ from the CoastRider office. Simply give us a call on 966 701 060 and we will do the rest! Don't miss this unique opportunity to honour in person those who have achieved so much in and do so much for our community here on the Costa Blanca.

La Marina Summmer Fest

It is less than two weeks to the La Marina Fest.Does anybody have any idea if it will take place,If so what is it going to consist of,and what the prograsmme and timetable is likely to be

La Marina

It will be taking place Alan as for acts and what will be on show i have no idea

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-24 14:26:04 UTC

Did not our super politician Jeff tell us in a recent post that at least two of his personal advisors were co-opted onto the organising team?
With his personal proffesional team in command I assume they will adopt the Jeff system of communication, either say nothing at all or lie!
It would not suprise me at all if they have organised it in Guardemar by mistake or even Alicante so that the Mayor can be there?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-24 16:06:06 UTC

Angelique wether it happens here or not just to point out a little thing or two. The mayor if you know was born and raised in San Fulgencio and if you have been here 23 years you should also know he sat as sports councillor a while back and if you want to question his management skill he also over saw the running of court ingles in elche when it opened. Now im not against or for when it comes to the new coalition but it seems he has the background to do what is going to be asked of him. If im correct i also believe alot of the charitys in San Fulgencio have been asked/invited to the fiestas to have a stall or 2. Again if im correct over the past few years it was only ever K9 who was invited to these fiestas. Maybe wrong maybe write but at least alot more charitys have ben asked this time around.

Commented Mark.S in La Marina 2011-07-24 16:21:06 UTC

Mark S
Thanks,For the info.but I wasnt after knowing what the stalls were going to be at the La Marina Fest,I asked what the programme and times were going to be,I gather from your answer,that you havnt got that info.
Neither has Angelique I gather

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-24 18:27:11 UTC

Ok Andi, oops I mean Mark S, I think I have got the measure of you now so everytime you make comments I'm gonna bring up the fact that La Marina Animal Welfare are raising money for animals when they state on their website they DO NOT rescue animals! K9 are the only animal charity ON THE URB that rescue abandoned Dogs and Cats so surely they are the ones who need more money than an animal charity that doesn't rescue animals! 
Also you may be interested to know it was the official opening/blessing of the church on La Marina today and the Bishop made a special effort to attend this ceremony, but our own Mayor of La Marina couldn't be bothered to travel from Alicante to attend, as for someone who worked at Corte Ingles then I'm really sure that was great experience to run a municipality!

Alan, I have the fiesta programme on my "La Marina Information" Facebook page.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-24 19:56:22 UTC

Mark I will ask the question on Thursday at our SAT meeting. I only took over the running of the shop on 16th of this month. I will answer your question when I come back.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-25 05:00:19 UTC

Do you mean that Andi and Mark S are the same person?
If so then he must be the lad that hangs around the animal welfare shop adjacent to the grey area?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 06:01:16 UTC

I did notice at the blessing of the church yesterday that Mark Lewis and Jeff W parked next to each other and were seen entering the church together.
I wonder if sense is prevailing after all. Both have reportedly the welfare of us in La Marina at heart?
Is the old boy teaching the new boy a thing or two, I wonder?
If so then that would be the most constructive thing I have heard since this new council was sworn in some six weeks ago!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 06:09:22 UTC

You are totally out of order, there is absolutely no reason for your childish outburst!
I suggest that you make an immediate apology to Julie in particular as well as all of the others in here.
I suggest that you delete these remarks instantly.
And finally if you cannot take the heat then go away!
This is totally unacceptable!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 06:59:26 UTC

Ohh dear, I seem to have touched a nerve Andi, is an open forum really the place to swear, very immature! So let's get down to it, the regulars will have seen on here there have been 3 people who have bad mouthed the previous council, praised the new council, defended Mr Wiszniewski and his overpaid employees, and had digs at K9, those 3 people are Andi, Mark S and Curious. Now we know Andi is with La Marina Animal Welfare therefore that is his real name but Mark S and Curious have never said anything about themselves or even have a profile picture. Ok, if you would like to type in the search box at the top of this page "wether", there are 3 people that spell it that way, Andi, Mark S and Curious.
So Andi, have you got something to say without being childish and immature, is your life really that dull you need to go in forums as different people and make vicious, slanderous comments about good people and charities. The game is up Andi, and if your still clueless, wether is spelt whether, put that in the search box and you will see everyone else knows the correct way to spell it!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 10:08:35 UTC

I did wonder if your response might have been a little less childish, obviously not. I won't even lower myself to comment on your attempt at deflection, we are not in a playground now.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 11:59:22 UTC

Isnt it fun,I ask a question about the La Marina Fest,and you end up fisticuffs at dawn.
So to get back to my original thread does anyone have any idea as to what the Fest is going to be and what the timetable is

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:05:53 UTC

Alan I saw a timetable on la marina info that said the fiesta will be starting at 12 pm with the opening fireworks and the entertainment starts at 8pm, with the acts, at Consum Square , i believe there are to be some great bands and singers this year including an Il Divo tribute WETHER i spelt that correctly im not sure, i hope this answers your question without the necessity for handbags at dawn

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:14:34 UTC

wow andie/mark.s or whoever you are, you are totally out of order everyone is can have an opinion including you but really are you that childish to come on here and behave like this, clearly the answer is yes, i also can assure you that Julie and Yvoone are to different people, so in future gets your facts right befor commenting again

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:18:21 UTC

Thanks curious,for giving some of the information i was asking for
But I still think the handbags at dawn will carry on.
But hopefully they will do their own thread next time.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:27:09 UTC

What is the point of asking a relevent question for a resident of the Urb only to start another rubbish political debate, I suggest a political section to the forum and let reasonable questions be answered reasonably, without resorting to a slanging match, For info I have lived in the region for 12 years but try to avoid the Urb because i find it too "Clicky" However i do keep my eyes and ears open and try to see a balanced view of what is really going on, My name is not Andi/Mark S however i have no wish to be the target of another smear campaign so for now as is my right i will keep my personal details to myself thankyou, you might like the photo tho, (Julie,Angelique,Lisa, Or Yvonne ) whatever your name is

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-25 13:31:32 UTC

How strange that both curious and Andi are accusing me of being a different person, it's as if they are connected somehow, they certainly think alike!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 14:38:53 UTC

Claire, the last time we spoke you had exactly the same agenda as Andi so I was expecting you to come on and defend him but I'm sorry to say I don't buy it. Your opinion is welcome of course but the majority of people know how to spell whether, I have never come across anyone other than Andi that spells it as wether, and ok, it could be a coincidence that 3 people on here spell it like that but when these 3 people are more or less saying the exact same thing as each other I think coincidence is pushing a bit far.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-25 15:33:56 UTC

Please point out to me claire were in my last post did i comment on there spellings??? thats because i didnt. I cant spell very well never have been able to either, but i dont really care about the fact i cant spell. I think its totally disgusting the way andi has replied to this and needs to grow up. I no for a fact Yvonne and Julie are different people, so thats why i told him to get his facts right. and as Julie says its abit of a coincidence that all 3 of them spell the same way and more or less say the same thing.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-25 15:55:49 UTC

Carol or Ian, Isnt it time you really got a grip on things? Just as I thought this forum had started to get better,the same old 4 muskateers come to the surfice again with their jibes, bad language and pathetic insinuendos. Isnt it time to start an adult forum and keep the childrens comments and articles etc to another page?

Do us all a favour you people, find out each others postal address and start sending letters to each other with your pathetic nonsence rather than use this constuctive and at most times, usefull site.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-25 18:17:26 UTC

I take no credit for it but if you scroll up I did ask the lad to apologise and delete his remarks.
Clearly he did not have the "balls" to do that. A real man would have apologised instantly.
To our friends at the animal welfare shop I ask the question "Is this the type of man you want to represent your charity"?
The lad is a disgrace and I believe anyone with any authority should remove him from your premises/charitable work with absolute immediate effect!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 19:24:38 UTC

I totally agree with you! Ian and Carol should act, if they are empowered to do so?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 19:29:49 UTC

Had a visit, from the young lady from Jeff's Office this morning, at the SAT shop asking if we wanted to have a stall at the fiesta in aid of SAT and what days we would like to do it. Hope this answers your query Mark.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-28 14:39:22 UTC

Free Online Computer Support

As part of a line up of brand new services this year, we at Sol Computers are pleased to announce this new free service to everyone.

We have a free support forum for anyone who has questions or would simply like unbiased advice and solutions to common problems. You can find this service at:

I invite everyone to join and we will try our very best to help you in any way we can!


Costume hire

I need to rent a dinner suit for a ball in September. Can anyone tell me of somewhere I can find this?

La Marina

i no of a fancy dress costume here behind cards and more you go down the steps, if you have no luck finding anything you could always ask there she might be able to point you in the right direction.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-25 16:11:42 UTC

Unfortunately the fancy dress shop behind Cards And More has been closed for several weeks now!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-25 19:32:53 UTC

oh no i never realised lol thanks for letting me no.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-25 19:58:11 UTC

Thanks Lisa I did try there a while back but they did not do evening wear. jaytee

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2011-07-26 05:53:10 UTC

Hi jaytee,Try the Butterfly Charity shop in La Marina ,last year they arranged dinner suit hire for those that needed, if not I am coming back from Brighton East Sussex for the same Ball, if you are stuck try to get one here either M&S or ebay and I will bring it over for you Regards Robert

Commented Robert in La Marina 2011-07-27 17:58:43 UTC

That's very nice of you Robert.......hey everyone he's just boasting because he's got a Rufus Roo (A big one at that so he tells me) !

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-28 11:49:59 UTC
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