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mezquita garden pub ,,almoradi

hey you brits should vist the mezquita pub ,,really great pub for young and oldish ,ha very friendy spanish pub and the owner Pepe would love to see more brits ,,,


Hi Terry,

Its a lovely place and we have been several times, really cool, easy & funky. How are you anyway? I see you have added your business details on our services page. How is the business going? Try to catch up next time you are over. Regards

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-11 19:27:58 UTC

Jeff Wisznieweski Office

Hi Jeff,I gather you have been on holiday,and are due back about know,Also you stated your office should be finished this week.As you may have noticed,I have a few things that I would like looked at by the new PP council,how do I get to make an appointment to see you,so that at least I can put across to you,my feeling that if things are not done to help the Urbs.we are going to end with the Urbs. going down hill (no pun intended)

La Marina

Hi Alan
It is open answers we all need.
Good luck if you get an appointment with Jeff.
But hope he does not get the idea that we all wish to call on him.
All we want are honest answers as to what goes on. Do hope that these answers will appear up here on our Forum for us ALL to see.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-04 15:51:07 UTC

Yes Alice you are right,open answers are what we need,but the ones Jeff has given on the forum as yet,are only the tip on the iceberg it seems that he is giving an answer and the reasoning for that answer is not forthcoming
Also you have to take into consideration the point that Angelique made earlier,that not many people are contribuying to this forum,which means that the council really dont have to bother about pleasing us.
If i do get a reply from Jeff and an even bigger if,that i get to see him,I would either ask him to reply on here with his answers or I would of course put them on here myself.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-04 17:25:53 UTC

Back on Wednesday, took a short break to get married. Just call in at the new office.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-07-05 00:25:13 UTC

Congratulations to you and your wife Jeff. Hope you've had a fairly relaxing break as I feel that the guys up here are going to keep you very busy once you are back !

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-05 05:21:45 UTC

Welcome Home!
Where exactly is this office that you are moving in to and at what time of day are we able to contact/visit you?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-05 06:10:17 UTC

Congratulations Jeff,Would also like to know what times the office is open and which days

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-05 06:16:44 UTC

good luck Alan on trying to get answers, but i wouldnt hold my breath for the honest answers.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-05 07:41:24 UTC

I understand why not to hold my breathe waiting for a truthful answer,That is why talking face to face is much more interesting,I find body talk is a dead give away when someone is obviously lying

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-05 10:39:36 UTC

The Town Hall are paying ‎147,600€ a year to 6 PIPN candidates when only 1 was elected, only 1 of the non elected PIPN candidates on a high pay roll is British, even the new PIPN website is in Spanish with no English or German translation, it appears Mr Wiszniewski isn't concerned about the expats now, they served their purpose by giving him the 209 votes he needed to get a seat on the council and then he sold out to the highest bidder. I suggest Alan you go see the Mayor and put your questions to him, the only ones who can decide what La Marina gets and doesn't get is the PP party, not Mr Wiszniewski I'm sorry to say.

Here is the official bulletin stating who the town hall has employed.

1. Ms. Juana Rosalia Mora Alemany
2. D. David Mora Manuel Alemany
3. D. Jesus Maria Mora Amorós
4. Ms. Samantha Jayne Hull
5. Ms. Erica Luna Llanos 

Click on this link to see today's Informacion article regarding this subject.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-05 11:58:47 UTC

They are paid an extremely high wage to be nice and helpful to people but do they actually know what they are doing. I'm not saying these people are not genuinely nice people but anyone can smile and say what you want to hear. Personally if I want any answers I would go straight to the mayor, unless they can't afford a translator in San Fulgencio because it's all been spent on hiring Jeff's friends!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-05 12:34:50 UTC

Julie i notice that you are very quick to post everywhere you can about the politics of san fulencio and i would like to know a few things.
1. i have it on good authority that your own " La Marina Information Site" has blocked and removed any persons who might have a contra opinion, Why would this be the case if you wish to have healthy debate openly about council news.
2. As Mr Wisziewski has been away getting married i believe, what gives you the right to personally attack people you know little about and as you seem to be "all Knowing" about his moral conduct having i quote "sold Out To The Highest Bidder" are you accusing the council of being corrupt, Heaven forbid that the two leaders of both of the opposition parties are recommended to serve 2 years in prison and ten years ban from politics for corruption.
3. I understand that the new office is open and the new "friends" happen to be working very hard to promote the urbanisation and deal with its inherrent problems.
If you want more representation for the Urb, having 5 people working for the good of the population is better than 1 who happened to be the proposed deputy mayor of the party where its leader is cited for corruption.
this should surely allow the distribution of labour between the pueblo and the urb to become faster and more efficient.
Much has been said about inequality of funding for the village and the urb, does this not balance things a little.
4. I notice that the comments about Cereco have stopped when it emerged that SATS will be dealing with the abandoned animals for the time being HMMMMMM
5. The la Marina forum of which you are the administrator presents only one side of any information, the side where you wish to tell people everything that is from your own point of view Bad.
THIS forum has the decency to allow open debate, which you clearly do not and your reasons for preventing replies are weak at best.
If you wish to come on an open forum and debate why will you not allow it on your own site, are you intending to run for the council next election as a candidate for the AP????
I personally hate personal attacks but this can no longer go unanswered, you do not know personally the people you are attacking and therefore do not know their motives, unless you are phsycic.
being the the personal friend of the now Opposition Councillor does not give you the right to personally attack people in the public domain....
6. I think to say that these people have no idea about what they are doing could be a fair one as im sure that everyone who starts a new job, after 4 years of government by a questionable party, is going to have a hard job trying to work out what the heck went on, and fair play to them for making the attempt, as for rewarding co-alition partners are you prepared to say that the UK Govt did no such thing, I believe thats what they call politics......
I understand that so far the comments about the new officers has been generally favourable, but in your case its obvious that you cant please everyone

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-05 13:57:41 UTC

As I have already stated to your friend at no point did I ever say my Facebook page was a forum, no comments or posts are allowed on my page because it will be spammed with companies advertising. I have had so many favorable messages from people thanking me for keeping them informed with what is going on in La Marina, the only people that don't like it are the employees or friends if employees, everything that has been written there is the truth. 
As I have stated before, I'm not interested in the past, if it's news today I will post it. 
If Mr Wisziewski didn't sell out to the highest bidder can you explain why all the people employed were PIPN candidates, surely interviews could have been held for people other than the friends of Mr Wisziewski and the ones with the most experience could have worked towards making La Marina a better place.
As for SATS getting the contract to collect animals in the La Marina area I think you really need to go back to your boss and speak to him again, either that or speak to Julia from SATS, I think you will find you got it wrong, HMMMMM! 
I am not a friend of any councillor, I have never spoken to any councillor, I do have friends who are the ones who keep me informed and I don't just take their word for anything, I look into anything that I have been told, then I will post on my facebook. I posted on here for people to comment so please don't try to make out I am not open for debate, ohh and at least I can put my real name and photo on here, you got something to hide, maybe you should answer other peoples comments as they want answers from someone who works for the council or are you trying to hide the fact you are an employee! 

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-05 14:57:50 UTC

Julie, the very fact that you think i am an employee shows that you are not as well informed as you think, secondly as for the SATS situation , check again, thirdly if your facebook is inundated with spam i suggest you learn how to be selective about who you add, you certainly seem to be able to block who you want to lol

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-05 15:26:48 UTC

For those of you who are unable to read the link I posted to the Informacion newspaper site here is what it says!
The 5 municipal advisers employed by the PP were in the list of the party which gave them the Power to govern.
3 of those given jobs are from the same family and all were listed as candidates for the PIPN
San Fulgencio Government team has hired 5 people that were election candidates on the list of the PIPN, but they were not elected. The PP, which won 8 seats in the elections of 22 may, needed the support of the only elected councillor of PIPN, Jeffrey Wiszniewski, to get the majority need to govern in this municipality - an absolute majority in San Fulgencio was obtained with 9 councillors. 

The Number 2 candidate in the PIPN listing, Juana Rosalia Mora, is one of the employed advisors, hired as the personal assistant to the second Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urbanisation, which is Jeff Wiszniewski. For this job Mora will be paid 2,600€ per month, while her brother, Manuel David Mora (second reserve in the candidates list of the PIPN), now the coordinator of municipal offices and sports facilities and service to the citizen in urbanisations, and he receives 2,400€ a month.

Also, the son of Juana Rosalia Mora, Jesús María Mora Amorós, has been given a job as emergency services coordinator for, Police, Civil protection and SEM, the withdrawal of animals, for which he will receive 1700€ per month. For her part, the number 11 of the list of the PIPN, Samantha Jayne Hull, is to do work of translation, as well as general assistance to local citizens, she will receive 1,700€. Erika Luna Llaños, ranked number 12 PIPN candidate, has been contracted as administrative staff at municipal offices, with a pay of 1,500€, all this according to the official bulletin of the province published on 30th June.

These 5 advisers wages amounted to 140,000£ per year, according to the local Socialist party sources, who believe that "these payments to the new advisors is from the PP to Mr. Wiszniewski as gratitude for favors received, clearly paid with public money". In addition, the salaries of the new employees and personal assistants were adopted in an extraordinary council meeting, convened by means of an emergency session, without first being approved at a meeting of the ‘Junta de Gobierno’ (governing board of Deputy Mayors), as defined in the composition of the laws for city councils constructed with a Governing Board.

On the other hand, the PSOE sources say that this new Government team has hired these people "to give a position to each of them and keep them happy". On the preparation of persons hired as staff, they indicated that they lack the proper experience and qualifications and that "all they have done to obtain their jobs is to be in the PIPN candidates list, a party which only obtained 1 Councillor, all this with just 209 votes".

Ramirez: "the PSOE has no more to say"
The Mayor of San Fulgencio, Carlos Ramírez (PP), chose "not to get into this subject" (the hiring of advisers), and considered that this fact has been denounced by the PSOE because "it's their only argument". Ramirez explained that the new Government team has five advisers, he justified the increase of staff in this town of 12,000 inhabitants saying that the increase in the number of local councillors, which has gone from 15 to 17.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-05 15:27:15 UTC

Thanks Julie, you are only saying what most people are thinking. As for the SATS situation you are correct, I have spoken to someone who knows Julia and she confirms there is no way they could take in dogs from La Marina, they did take one dog last week but it was a one off, plus SATS are unable to rescue cats as they have enough on their plates with the amount of dogs they take in therefore no way could they be the ones the town hall gives the contract to so curious isn't as well informed as she would like to think!

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-05 16:06:09 UTC

This is great, its bloody better than Jeremy kyle

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-05 16:36:11 UTC

Wow things have livened up on this Forum,I think interesting things could lie aheah for all of us,if 'curious' and 'julie' are anything to go by,I gather at the moment they are on opposing sides,so with luck we could use their comments and somehow we will end up somewhere with more truths than a gaggle of councillors could ever come up with.I gather they are both at least talking to people who do know something about what is going on,hopefully they will leave out the blatant lies and the having a pop at each other,this debate could definitely liven up this forum and i am sure the just under 500 hits a day it gets will find a great many more.
I have one personal question to ask 'curious', and that is about SATS taking in the abandoned animals.Linda Reed who often writes on this forum obviously walks the SATS dogs and she is always appealing for dog walkers to help as some dogs only get out for a walk once a week,so how on earth do you think SATS are going to manage with even more dogs

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-05 17:08:51 UTC

We have hit a landmine here.
Who will win the war of words between Curious and Julie I wonder?
I find it incredible that ALL of the "ADVISERS" have been appointed from our absolute smallest political party.
Who on God's earth could come up with that remarkable decision?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-06 05:41:59 UTC

I had no wish to start a war of words with anyone however i couldnt sit by with all this pointless slagging off of our elected council by the mouthpieces of the opposition PSOE and AP, im sure if jeff feels that he is being neutered he still has the opportunity to vote against the council on major issues.
i personally hold no political leanings towards any of the parties but am acting as a concerned individual who at the last elections despite being on the padron for 5 years and registered to vote found my name left off the list??
along with hundreds of other people. if the last council (the PSOE) were so honest how could this be?
The same councillors who are now claiming corruption.....Don't make me laugh.......
I purely want to see fairness for the Urb and things getting done and if the new team of advisors who can speak the various languages of the Urb get the job done I for one will be delighted, I am concerned about animals, welfare, roads, waste, and all other things that affect our daily lives, i am not interested in the political backbiting of an obviously corrupt group of beaten politicians, if Jeff asked for support and backup why shouldnt he request the people who supported him during his campaign,...what would you do?
people he feels he can trust and is perfectly satisfied with their "qualifications", I await the first big "test" with interest which will be the Fiesta this year and will probably make my mind up after that,
All of these people are human including jeff and the natural instinct is to hire people you trust, is it not?,
having seen an email from K9 that sats will be dealing with abandoned animals for the time being if thats a lie too then exactly what is the truth??
I have no wish to attack people personally i am just asking questions that need to be asked, and have no intention of becoming the target of another smear campaign

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-06 07:47:05 UTC

I am enjoying the banter between 'curious' and' Julie',I am not pro or anti any of the parties,all i want is not necessary what is good for me personally,but what in general is good for the people of La Marina.
I have read with interest the banter between these two,on this comment I would like to ask a question or two about 'curious'remarks.
You mention that you have it on good authority that the La Marina info. site blocks messages from people whose views differ from their own views.I have read this this info. site for over four years,it has never printed anybodies comments,mainly because it is or was a Town hall info site.not a forum.
You then stated that SATS were dealing with dealing abandoned animals,this was pointed out that SATS couldnt possibly deal with them,so you blamed an e-mail you had seen which gave you that information on to K9.
As for your info that the two oppsition leaders have been recommended to between two to ten years imprisonment,
The last thing i read was the case hadnt gone to court yet.what should of been said as i saw it was the prosecution would ask for that prison sentence IF they were found guilty.At least have a trial before you crucify
On saying that,i really believe you are saying what you feel in your heart and for that I applaud you,and hope that you carry on with your comments,It makes this forum good to read and hopefully get a few new voices on here

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-06 10:17:52 UTC

Alan many thanks for your comments, I think you have misunderstood me the site which i meant is the La Marina Information page on Facebook not the website, of which neither is an official town hall site but give the impression that they are.
Secondly the email that K9 are sending out surely shows that the animals are to be for the near future at least cared for by a self supporting animal charity, A charity i might add i have great admiration for as they rely on fundraising through the generous donations of the animal loving public but do not receive any public money.
thirdly the spectre of corruption charges have been around for the last 4 years and i agree if they were exhonerated i would be happy to retract my comments, i just feel that knowing that the town hall is now in debt to the tune of ten times the amount they were before PSOE took over makes me wonder where has the money gone?? certainly not to the Urb.
I hope to promote healthy debate with this being and open forum and if i am proved wrong i will gladly eat my hat.....providing i can find a strawberry flavoured one..

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-06 11:57:58 UTC

Hi Alan, curious is not talking about the la marina info website, she is talking about my La Marina Information Facebook page and after curious copied something I posted on it and put it on here I thought I would deny a couple of people from viewing it to discover who curious was and it worked.
I actually do agree with Curious for once, I'm not here to fight with her but I suppose it does make for entertaining reading, makes me smile. Ok, I'm not part of any political party, just providing a information site that speaks the truth, I do have my opinion but I'm only saying what most other people are thinking, it was underhanded the way these 5 people got their jobs, but what did get my back up was the way the animal ambulance fiasco was handled, it was lie after lie and in the end Cereco were collecting the animals in this area, then to justify their decision they claimed it was to save money and a few people bought it when in fact it's going to cost roughly the same amount to pay Cereco to come here from Crevillente and kill most if the dogs and cats from this area as it would K9 collecting them and finding good homes for them. If by any chance Cereco are canceled and another charity takes over then fantastic but it would only be down to public pressure that this happens.
Mr Wiszniewski has put himself in the public eye, anything he says or does now will be scrutinised and commented on so he and his employees really need to get used to it, they have another 4 years of this and if he can't handle it then maybe being a councillor wasn't the job for him.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-06 12:08:26 UTC

I have just read the messages from curious and Julie,and I really do think you are both sincere in what you print.
I have learnt curious is probably a female,which completely threw me as i automatically thought she was a he.
I realise I was looking at the wrong website to what they both spoke about.
I still think curious,should not of judged the two opposition men and found them guilty,I am wondering how long this story has been doing the rounds,as I thouhgt the Barrera case was less than four years ago,or was this all mixed in with that case.,As for the Animal Ambulance fiasco,I too was annoyed mainly because I was there at the time,In fact i put it on this forum before a lot of K9 people knew about it.
and my question to jeff at the time was answered by him but obviously was flawed,I reported to him his answer could not of been correct and told him why,to this day he has never corrected his mistake.
I think I have said enough on this forum so i am going to take the rest of the day off and hopefully give others a chance to have a say.
But curious and julie please dont stop writing ,your very interesting if not always correct.But please no personal attacks on each other you both seem to be too nicer people for that

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-06 12:54:50 UTC

Bravo Eve Its nice to see a smiling face when you have problems that need to be dealt with, I hope that you found the experience easy, i will be heading up there myself over the next few days, and with any luck i too will be greeted by smiling faces, if they are not too stressed by the huge number of complaints about animals lol

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-06 13:57:20 UTC


Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-06 18:55:15 UTC

wowee, its simple the PP were desperate for Jeff's one vote, and they were prepared to pay a high price. Weather the people can do the jobs is yet to be seen. Just putting your hand up and agreeing with whatever the pp say is it worth 5 jobs. What will happen when its a vote for something that is not good for the urb that will be the test.

Commented rose in La Marina 2011-07-06 20:26:55 UTC

I have been living in Spain for the past 19 years and speak fluent Spanish, indeed the majority of my friends are Spanish. I don´t usually read these forums but an English friend suggested I do. The lies and rumour that has been posted here by so called people in the know is amazing. Do any of you actually read the Spanish press? Do any of you actually read the comments that are left online on the Spanish press websites by NORMAL people? If you did, I think you would find that you are all so much in the minority with your ideas. Not one English person I know nor one Spaniard has a bad word to say about Carlos, his government or ideas. They are letting him and his team get on and do the job. No one can believe the nonsense about the animals. I do fundraising for EMAUS. Ever heard of it? The home for the orphans and kids whose parents cant look after them. Kids. I also work with handicapped kids. Kids. Where are your priorities? THIS IS NOT A LITTLE ENGLAND. Do your research. Do you actually think that your comments can "Pressurise" these people who are working so hard? Get real. Do you think that they actually read this?
Do what I did ..... go and speak to the Chief of Police, make an appointment with Carlos and with Jeff. Don't listen to mates and acquaintances.

Commented Tony in La Marina 2011-07-07 06:52:22 UTC

Bravo Tony, Well said, do your research and get the facts, I totally agree, instead of a bitter few trying to poison the majority, we should be patient and let the good people get on with the job in hand, I for one will make an appointment with Jeff to get things from the horses mouth. "this is not a little England", couldnt have put it better myself, this is the way politics in Spain are done, accept it or go back to the UK

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-07 06:57:59 UTC

Tony and Curious,
I have done my research! Not more than 10 minutes ago I popped my head into the offices of our "One Man Party"
Personnell at 147,000 Euros a year is nothing compared to the luxurious surroundings this man has created for himself. Leather furniture, new desks, multiple computers, not to mention the rent. We have two Town Halls and still this man spends our hard made taxes totally Willy Nilly on an office for himself.
I am, as I hope others will be, totally disgusted at the waste of OUR funds.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-07 07:58:27 UTC

Is that the same as the last govt spending our hard earned taxes providing a furniture removal van for k9???? and in the spanish press it reports that the previous govt had 4 "advisors" and that the wages of the councillors were much higher than the self imposed lower wages of the current you read the spanish press???
For those of you than can read spanish here is the article, translate at your leisure

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-07 08:16:26 UTC

This gets more and more ridiculous!!! You think that putting your head around an office door is research!!!!!! You know all the furniture is new!! Amazing.

Commented Tony in La Marina 2011-07-07 08:43:49 UTC

You are right that the majority of people don't seem to have a problem with the Mayor, I don't at the moment, Mr Wiszniewski is the one who will have made the Mayor employ the 5 advisors as part of the deal for his 1 vote, time will tell what other demands he insisted on to join with the PP. Well done for supporting your charity Tony, a lot of people on La Marina support a local charity and hundreds of people choose to support their local charity K9 so please don't try to make these good people feel bad about wanting the best for the animals that have been abused at the hand of man! Curious seems to be a K9 hater, is she now saying the councillors got rid of the animal ambulance so Mr Wiszniewski could have a nice new office with brand new furniture, I'm sure the tax payers will love that! She also says that the recent newspaper article stated there were 4 advisors when previous newspapers said there was only 3 and these advisors were spread our between all the councillors, not just one! Regarding the so called wage cut, please confirm to everyone that Mr Wiszniewski didn't take any such pay cut! Lastly let's not forget for the last 4 years K9 did a fantastic job keeping our municipality free from stray animals, I can only assume the new administration doesn't support local animal charities or is it just K9 they have a problem with?

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-07 10:39:45 UTC

Hello Tony
you started your comment,by insinuating people who dont read Spanish Newspapers are abnormal, not the best way to endear people to you.
I agree with you that the mayor is well thought of,and I personally will agree with that from what i have read and heard about him.
It is great that you support an obviously great charity.I can assure you most people in la Marina do the same thing.although it is not EMAUS ours is Butterfly Children,in fact a dance is being held this coming saturday at La Marina social centre on behalf of the Butterfly Children tickets are available from the Butterfly Childrens Charity shop in La marina.I personally have been to dances organised by different Clubs etc.on behalf of this charity.I know of many donations made by clubs to help financially this charity
I personnally dont like being labelled a
Little Englander,I think it is derogratory and is normally used by people who cant find better words to use.
I write as I feel,If i am shown to be wrong,I wont make that mistake a second time
As for no one of importance reads these forums,you had better tell jeff because someone is writing in his name,and trying to answer questions.
It is time for you to climb down a bit and admit that although you may think you are normal because you read Spanish Papers,you are obviously not as well informed as you think you are.
As with other contraversial writers on this forum,I ask you to keep writing what you think because i believe you are not doing it out of malice.but what you truly believe

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-07 14:35:40 UTC

This is exactly why i don't like proportional representation and prefer the first past the post.


Commented rose in La Marina 2011-07-07 16:36:29 UTC


Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-07 17:31:13 UTC

Don't be afraid to come and see us. Even the new Mayor has agreed to have open surgeries at the new office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0930 to 1100 if the exigencies of duties permit.
As we are discovering more and more about the workings of the Town Hall, We are realising that there are many issues that have to be addressed. But we have a reassurance from the Concejaleria in Valencia that they are going to fund an initiative to provide six month contracts for a number of long term registered unemployed.
I am happy to say that since returning to La Marina, there has been a steady stream of people calling in. Some looking for answers to questions and other just for assistance. Keep on coming. We are here to serve.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-07-08 11:44:48 UTC

A politician or political leader (from Greek "polis") is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making. They are the board of directors of our town. Regardless of if you voted for them or not, the elected politicians are there for everyone - not just those voted for them. Unfortunately as we all know - politics are full of dirty tricks and games and one political party is not any better or any worse then the other. We all want the best for our town, and lets hope the newly elected counselors will do a good job in the 4 years to come - and make our town a even better place to live.

Commented cybertommy75 in La Marina 2011-07-08 16:30:29 UTC

I am unemployed, I have more experience than all of your advisors put together, I speak more languages than your entire political party put together.
More importantly I can volunteer as many others, I am sure, can on the urb and we are FREE, there you are I have already saved you 147,000 Euros.
I'm am far from impressed with the names of these fancy folk from Valencia.
Jeff, wake up, you are dreaming? We cannot afford all of this nonsense. This municipality is in grave financial difficulties and you and the Mayor attack this problem with unprecidented expenditure.
If you want any credibility whatsoever from us on the Urb. then you need to get this mess sorted immediately, move back to one of the two town halls and settle down in whatever roll the PP have given you.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-08 16:57:37 UTC

Is this a forum or a b..... political website? All these politics take up pages of space. May I suggest an open meeting where everyone who wishes, can spout off.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-09 16:15:16 UTC

A forum is a place for open discussion,
at the moment the main topic is local politics,tomorrow it may be dripping air cons,or lost dogs.If you want somethong else to take the lead you have to find a subject that many people have an opinion of,regardless of that opinion being right or wrong.We may be in the main pensioners,but I will not allow my brain to go to sleep,so I will talk on forums on many subjects that i have an opinion on,If I do not have an opinion I will still read other peoples thoughts

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 12:03:58 UTC

Alan. I may be retired but I do not sit on my backside and allow my brain to go to sleep. I just spend my time doing something constructive, like working for one of our Local Animal Charities, and like an old woman I also sit and Knit and sew.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-10 18:24:24 UTC

Good for you. also try to keep active as best I can.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 18:15:04 UTC


3 Fantastic apartments for sale in Almoradi. Now being sold at a reduced price and all are very negotiable. Put your offer in to the email below.

Posted less than a minute ago by



3 Fantastic apartments for sale in Almoradi. Now being sold at a reduced price and all are very negotiable. Put your offer in to the email below.



Did anyone watch the race yesterday? How good was Alonso and Ferrari. Its nice to see someone put pressure on Red Bull and Vettel who is running away with it. Hamilton is also too far behind him to catch up and there is only going to be one winner again this year. I cannot get my head around why the other teams do not have a car that can match the Red Bulls!!!!!! Please add


Did anyone watch the race yesterday? How good was Alonso and Ferrari. Its nice to see someone put pressure on Red Bull and Vettel who is running away with it. Hamilton is also too far behind him to catch up and there is only going to be one winner again this year. I cannot get my head around why the other teams do not have a car that can match the Red Bulls!!!!!! Please add your comments!

Posted about 7 hours ago by chrishenrick at

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-07-11 15:15:10 UTC


Did anyone watch the race yesterday? How good was Alonso and Ferrari. Its nice to see someone put pressure on Red Bull and Vettel who is running away with it. Hamilton is also too far behind him to catch up and there is only going to be one winner again this year. I cannot get my head around why the other teams do not have a car that can match the Red Bulls!!!!!! Please add your comments!


I personally think its getting boring now, there seems to be no challengers to Vettel and all the cars are supposed to be the same! I know the drivers are different but not too the extent of the time gaps between each other. I hope they reintroduce the fuel stops again not just the tyre changes and need to see more competition. Not even Webber was allowed to pressure Vettel as they could have lost points, so far ahead it would not have made any difference.BOORRRRIIINNNGG

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-07-11 15:14:19 UTC

Horse Riding

We are looking for the nearest horse riding stables to us here at La Marina. Does anyone please have this information? A while ago I saw a leaflet on the subject, but it has gone missing. A real bonus would be a website address, but just contact details would be fine.

La Marina

You mean you lost it !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-09 11:11:54 UTC

try, its english run as well.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-09 17:01:11 UTC

There is a nice equestrian centre in Valverde with a bar - about 15 min max drive from LM - Spanish run - its signposted from the Blue Star roundabout

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2011-07-09 17:34:13 UTC

Many thanks for that Lisa. Just what I was looking for.
Does any one know of any more please?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-09 17:39:50 UTC

Thanks to information you have all given me, I have now found 3 Horse Riding, Hacking contacts in the area they are Casa la Pedrera, Palms Equestrian Centre, Catral, and Club Hipica Los Arabes in Valverde. Can anyone please help with any others? There must be others?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-11 09:29:44 UTC

You could try El Rancho in Montissinos (I hope I spelt that correctly)
Take the LaMarquesa turning in the middle of Montissinos main street and El Rancho is a couple of kilometers from there.
Telephone numbers:
966 260 882
691 965 045

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 09:33:49 UTC

I had thought of that one Angelique but was not sure if it was still open or not? Does anyone know for sure? It is in a nice country area.
But am also looking for hacking on the beach, seems really hard to find, I was sure I had seen horses on the beach in this area.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-11 09:49:33 UTC

Yes El Rancho is definitely open, I was there only a couple of weeks ago and they are expanding all of their operations.
If you ring to Bar46 in La Mata, telephone 966 926 299 they will be able to give you the name and number of the owner of the next door bar who has several horses and can, I believe, help you with"Beach Horse Riding" and he may also have contact names and numbers for people who can help nearer to home.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 10:04:55 UTC

Hi Ian, there is a place down in the village on the left hand side of the main road as you are leaving the village which has a lot of horses.

I don't know about riding or hacking opportunities, but I will try to find out for you as I live quite close by.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-11 14:09:37 UTC

Thank you for that Malcolm In finding out see if they have a www please and if any English at all is spoken.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-11 14:13:41 UTC

Can any of you tell me if Dehesa de Campoamor still operates?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-11 14:24:06 UTC
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